What is topsoil and why is it so important? The top few inches of soil sitting on the ground is called the topsoil. This the soil in which all of your plants and flowers will grow. Unlike the subsoil and rock found in the layers below, topsoil is rich in the nutrients your plants and flowers need in order to survive and thrive. This organic layer can become thin over time due to wind, erosion and other factors. When that happens in might be necessary to add some additional topsoil around your plants and flowers and trees to ensure they have all the vital nutritional elements they need to grow.
Some people like to make their own compost to use in their garden as an alternative to fertilizer. but, it’s important to note that garden compost is not the same as topsoil, and the two are not interchangeable. Even if you’re using compost in your yard, it’s important that you also have a fair amount of quality topsoil mixed in.